Get into the Swing With Spring Training

Spring...and all of the fun, freshness and adventure it here! To get the full benefits of outdoor recreation, why not try several activities?

Cross training-combining two or more activities-will help you achieve a well-rounded fitness program. Here are some ideas to help get you going:

Swimming: This activity works your upper body (chest, arms, shoulders and upper back). Because it is non-impact, there is no great stress to the joints. For a complete body workout, combine bicycling, running, walking or climbing with your swimming program.
Racquet sports, such as tennis: Unless you play singles for extended periods of time, your tennis game may not give you a big fitness boost. However, racquet sports can increase your flexibility and agility. Add running, weight lifting, aerobic dancing or bicycling to your program for cardiovascular benefits.
Bicycling: If you have a safe place to ride, biking can be enjoyable. It works your lower torso, hips, thighs and calves. If you keep up a good pace, it also is an excellent cardiovascular activity. Riding a bike puts less strain and pounding on your joints than running. Consider adding swimming, weight lifting or racquet sports to round out your program.
Running and walking: While running burns more calories per minute than walking, both activities work your calves, hamstrings, buttocks and stomach-and your heart will say thank you, too. Running and very brisk walking use many of your larger muscle groups. Swimming or weight lifting complements both activities.
Many other outdoor activities can be added to your spring training, gardening, weeding, hiking, canoeing, golfing (walk the course!), scuba diving, rock climbing, etc. Choose activities that you enjoy most, and get a family member or friend to help you stick with the program.